backyard crowing


Eye on the donuts, and not on the holes.

Was reading an article online about assholes, and thinking about how my two theoretical mentors are indeed assholes. (Iago and K.)

This is the paragraph that struck me most. I don't want to waste my time trying to cure asshole-ism:

"Also, the world is full of wonderful people. Isn’t it much better to say goodbye to assholes and give your time to the great folks? Idealists probably think you can change assholes. But again, life’s too short for that. Plus, people don’t change unless they want to."

On that note, I made a list of people who are NOT assholes. Turns out, only 10 percent of the people I want to connect with on an either emotional or professional level are assholes.

Only 10%!!! That means if I'm complaining about an abundance of assholes, it's because I AM CHOOSING TO FOCUS ON THEM! And that's on me.

So: purge the assholes. Don't focus on them. Focus on the other 90% -- that's nearly EVERYBODY, y'all.

10:44 am - Monday, Jan. 07, 2019


lovesounds - futuresex


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