lend me some sugar, i am your neighbor!

brett - 2007-05-21 08:53:52
it doesn't sound serious. i had a similar condition and it went away after some antibiotics. it was just some kind of bacterial infection. like a uti, only on speed. just breathe, you'll get through it.
Curiouoso - 2007-06-06 19:26:00
OK, I think you'll be ok. Maybe it's just from being nervous about whatever experiance you just had. Don't feel guilty! It's pretty natural to be conflicted at your stage in life. I don't you'll die, I don't think your parents will disown you, and most of all the God of your strong faith has more important things to condemn mankind for, so forgive yourself if you need too. BTW, I don't think you it's a problem to go to confession even if you're not Catholic. Getting things off your chest in an anonomous way is freeing. My "first real" girlfriend was Catholic, confessed, and the priest said "are you going to continue this sinning?". She said "yes", so he said, Then you are commiting a mortal sin and I can't help you!" At least you shouldn't have to hear that! Enough unasked for advise. I'm old enough to be your grandfather (well almost) and you just sound like that "new world awakening stage" that often dawns on those just making big changes and broadining thier horizens. I don't make light of your feelings....just believe some day you'll recognize this in someone else and say, "been there, did that" it's OK. Curiouoso* remembering telling his 10th grade counsler, "I feel so bad, I just took half her virginity!(I touched a girls naked breast..) Talk about confusion and indecision!

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