backyard crowing


I Am At Peace

listening to: Coldplay's album Rush of Blood to the Head

i feel absolutely great. this is a memorable day for me, and I have God to thank for it. I prayed a lot last night about this Chris situation, and now I am at peace. Turns out he didn't de-friend me from thefacebook, he simply took off his profile entirely. I'm so glad I confronted him. And i didn't confront him in a mean way, either. Then i told him about the ticket to New Found Glory, and he said yes. So now i can give away my ticket! I'm sure he'll have fun. I wish i could go with him. That's okay.
So after i told him about the ticket, we walked around campus a bit, and then went into a practice room and i listened to him play piano. he played some pink floyd, a song that his band plays, a coldplay song called "spies", and then picked out john lennon's imagine. it was fun, i so enjoyed it. and now i can give him that ticket, and put a note inside of it for him. i don't know yet what i'll write, but i can't wait.
he's moving to miami, but he won't be there for long. just for school, and then he'll move to austin. so i'll be sure to mention in my note that i'll be living in austin next year, and to give me a holler if he's ever in town. of course, if he is in austin while i am studying abroad, that wouldn't work.

i'm so happy right now. i feel great, fulfilled or something. i am thankful right now. i prayed, and God listened. he hears me. i believe i am becoming a stronger Christian. things are working out. i'm so happy Chris will leave as my friend. he's a good guy, and he will go far.
I am at peace. Thank you, Lord.

2:50 p.m. - 2005-05-04


lovesounds - futuresex


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