backyard crowing


life is slowly becoming more normal

tommorow i have no school! i love that feeling. but i have a lot of work to do before friday, so i'll be busy as a bee anyway. life is becoming a little easier now, i know where more buildigs are located, but i still got lost going to biology today, so i came in late. physical anthro iwill prove to be quite interesting, i do believe, more interesting than i had thought previously. i only got four hours or so of sleep last night, yet i feel awfully refreshed. today i ate: a jamba juice (original size, or medium), a turkey/provolone/cucumber/lettuce sandwich on a croissant, and now i'm snacking on goldfish and a clearly canadian. yup, methinks i'll be at the gym tonight walking.

darn it! i forgot to go check my mailbox. oh well, i can do that later relatively easily, it's all good.

maybe i'll go to cali on tuesday to see hanson on jimmy kimmel live. i probably won't, but hey i'm looking into it...

that all i've got.
research on how to get to la is underfoot...

3:13 p.m. - 2005-09-07


lovesounds - futuresex


about me



