backyard crowing


Oh, the irony!

Listening to:

"Where you are
Do you know?
I think of you
Where you are
Do you know?
I hope you do..."

-Where You Are, October Project

A story a friend and I wrote and presented to our French Conversation Class a month ago or so, and it's hanging on my wall for amusement purposes:

Une fille qui s'appellait Marie etait folle. Elle etait la princesse d'Allemagne, et elle voulait devenir la reine, mais elle ne pouvait pas parce que sa soeur etait beaucoup plus intelligente qu'elle. Elle etait devenue tres fache, et elle a decide de tuer sa soeur, Elizabeth. Marie est allee en prison. Elle a echappee deux jours plus tard pour faire du shopping. En secret, elle a achete un fusil. Mais Elizabeth est morte deja d'une fievre.

and then, below in a different colored pen:

Oh, the irony!

Okay, now I'll translate that for all of you non-french speakers:

A girl named Marie was crazy. She was the princess of Germany, and she wanted to become the queen, but she couldn't because her sister was a lot smarter thans she. She became very angry, and she decided to kill her sister, Elizabeth. Marie went to prison. She escaped two days later to do some shopping. Secretly, she bought a gun. But Elizabeth had already died from a fever.

Our instructions were to create a fairy tale. Funny what comes out of our brains!

6:39 p.m. - 2005-11-28


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