backyard crowing


have heart

listening to: iron and wine

wondering what to think at the moment...

i have three tests on friday, those are what i need to think about.

un mec curieux, c'est sur. je suis encore en train de penser de lui, meme apres j'ai decide de ne rien faire. mon cheri? nah, c'est trop tot pour les mots comme ca. je ne veux pas le faire avoir peur. ben, quel temps.

il fait beau aujourd'hui, n'est-ce pas? la pluie me plait. je me sens jeune ce soir.

but not an incapable kind of young, a freeing sort of young. peut-etre c'est la musique. merci, fer et vin!

curiosity killed the cat...but cats have nine lives, and you're invincible as long as you're alive.

right? it's the only way to really live. i suppose one could argue that WE'RE not cats...but...

"if we're gonna survive, we gotta get a little bit crazy." - seal

"have heart my dear, don't be afraid..." - snow patrol

and i found this picture on some random person's blog, i love it:

i don't know who they are, but i like the way they stare so intently, and that it's in black and white. i call it 'bar couple'.

1:08 am - Thursday, Feb. 23, 2006


lovesounds - futuresex


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