backyard crowing



from some 40 year old guy to some 19 year old guy through blogging:

and eventually believe it or not there is probably a very shy girl out there who wants you and thinks about you a lot but you wont know it because you want the fireworks and the clash and bash ever sit in a forest on a rock and see a baby fawn pass close by sweetest damn thing it happened to me once only once and i remember it forever where all the seeing the deer by car by bus by train by walking don�t mean a thing it is the unexpected thing that makes it worth the while my boy the unexpected thing and then don�t love it to death like you found it at the junk night pile it means something that girl or woman who sees the real you inside hah its true it happened to me and I have a cute little woman I adore today and its better that she does not go ga ga over me like I would want some infatuated woman too because slowly I find out more and more about this person like watching a garden grow or an old house slowly decay over the years first the porch goes then a window and then maybe the roof and finally the walls grass growing up fast and trees around it the old rusted car almost swallowed up by the tangle or life emerging like my daughter once

- Tuesday, Apr. 18, 2006


lovesounds - futuresex


about me



