backyard crowing


the music lives

i found this great quote on some girl's myspace profile, it's about hanson and how you shouldn't be a-hatin' on their fans:

Don't tell us we don't have a clue because you are scared that the melody is in our veins. Don't tell us to stop chasing because you have no tour bus to follow. Don't tell us to stop dreaming because you realized you never took the time to fall in love with anything but yourself. Don't tell us we aren't serious because we will show you the brands on our skin. Don't tell us to grow up because you didn't have a silly orange CD to help you through your adolescence. And last but not least, don't tell us we won't survive because we'll all tell you that

the music lives

i have never done a blockquote before!

- Friday, May. 19, 2006


lovesounds - futuresex


about me



