backyard crowing


i'm coming out

so a year from today will be friday, may 25. on that day, i shall go out and drink with at least one friend, even if i have to drag them there. go me.
sooooooo... I'm 20!


mom asked me this morning when i woke up if i felt any differently. and no, as usual i feel like myself. that's okay though! i just hope i can land a job (or at least a successful interview) today. that would be an awesome b-day present. high hopes for connie's, since i interviewed there the summer i was 16 and didn't get it 'cause the other girl was in college, and had held a couple of jobs before. now i am that girl.

and i'm no longer a teenager! i can say i've been alive for decadeS. woohoo! it's ALL about the plural.

i think mom is realizing (again) that i am an adult. hopefully, anyway.

my new favorite word: "Pshhhh..."

Why? Because it's friggin' obnoxious.

10:52 am - Thursday, May. 25, 2006


lovesounds - futuresex


about me



