backyard crowing



"i just wish people would be more comfortable with their bodies. a woman is sexy cause she is a woman and women are alluring in their womanly ways, not because she has no hair or lots of hair."

- a nice quote from a random person on consumating

"who's to say upside down
please don't go away
is this how it's supposed to be"
(jack johnson)


I am making Rosie the Riveter my friend, from here on out. Rosie can do no wrong. She can do it, and so can I. WE can do it. Rosie cannot hurt me, or tell me I'm not good enough. All that she can instill in me is confidence, and that I shall gain from her. She is determined like I am, and her poster hangs right in front of my face. It is her I see when I wake up every morning, and before I go to sleep at night. She eyes me with such intensity and fierce perseverance, she is a face of success and strength. I am rolling up my sleeves.

"Good morning, and in case I don't see ya, good afternoon, good evening, and good night."
-The Truman Show


An old friend named Michelle wrote this and a lot of other love advice on her Facebook blog:

-Love is not selfish, you can�t hold on to something that isn�t there.
-When you don�t need a relationship, is when you are ready for one. Love is not something to fill a void in your life.


Something I said to Anya last night in the midst of a conversation about high school dances, it made her laugh:

"I want to meet this Sadie Hawkins and give her a high five."


what happened this summer...
-Dad moved me home to Houston, and on the way back we stopped by Olive Garden, Cheapo Discs, and an instrument shop in Austin
-Mom got mad at me for not calling her to tell her that I would be back later than expected
-When I got to her house, I broke down in tears because I had made a D in Physical Anthropology
-She was gentle and didn't make me pay the tuition for that particular course as she had said she would
-I tried my utmost to find a job, I dressed up and applied at 35 places
-I talked to managers, called to remind them of my existence and eagerness, and went through 10 failing interviews
-Mom figured I wasn't trying hard enough and hired me (she doesn't pay anything at all)
-One month into the summer, I finally gained employment at Subway
-Mom and I fought about Financial Aid, and I had serious thoughts of leaving her for good
-I called a suicide hotline just so I could talk to someone about it, because I didn't feel like anyone I knew would understand or care to listen
-I actually told my dad I called a hotline
-He got somewhat scared and told me to call him and let him know where I was
-I told him I would do so, and that I just needed someone (a third party, not a family member) to talk to, that I wasn't really going to commit suicide
-Subway didn't pay me enough, they kept trying to cheat me by not putting all of my hours worked onto my paycheck
-I made friends with a girl at Subway who now goes to UT
-I went to my grandparents's 50th Anniversary Wedding with much angst
-I hated my mother for all the shit she puts me through
-I saw my cousins, I was so overjoyed just being around them
-I got a chance to chat with my Uncle Keith, who has been listening to my father an awful lot lately
-Keith wishes I wouldn't move away, but that perhaps such a wish is just him being selfish and wanting to see me
-Really those are my dad's words, and hearing my Uncle say them is amusing, since I rarely see him, and he only lives about 40 minutes away from me
-the only time I see my Uncle is when we go down to visit him, which isn't even once a summer
-the plane rides I took were very fun, I always love riding on planes
-I got the opportunity to sit and people watch in an airport
-I bought my first copy of Rolling Stone in an airport
-I quit my job (hooray!)
-the financial aid went through (HOORAY!)
-my mom and I started to get along a little better, although it was a long, cruel, summer for both of us
-she said she believed in me, and I'm starting to believe it
-I started Julia Cameron's book and began to attempt morning pages
-I had lunch with Krista and Lisa twice (once for my birthday and once for theirs)
-we talked about their trip to Canada and their transition from A&M to New Hampshire
-I packed up my stuff to go back to Austin
-I stayed up for many hours doing so
-I only got 2 hours of sleep that night
-Mom and I borrowed Granddad and Grandma's truck to move me in
-Mom and I moved in with only one fight (that's very few, for us)
-I got a new-to-me bike and a new bike lock that will function correctly
-I unpacked my stuff in my new dorm
-I socialized with Anya, my roommate, and her parents
-I bought books
-I checked out my new camera
-I printed out my course schedule
-I got a whole bunch of logistics done


hilarious video, for all you indie buffs:

Clell Tickle

- monday, sept. 04, 2006


lovesounds - futuresex


about me



