backyard crowing


Yellow Dog Gold

I'm happy I decided to write this instead of going to sleep last night, I would never have remembered it otherwise.

Yellow Dog Gold

I'm seventeen again,
Riding a yellow dog going bump in the night
Winter's breath seeps slowly through the windowpanes
As everyone aboard drifts to faint, cloudy dreams

All save one other,
My slumberless curly-haired saxophone sophomore

I watch as he watches her;
He stares at her delicate face,
Daring to feel a lock of hair--
You'd have thought it gold
The way he cherished its every last wave,
Admiring the moonshine,
El Dorado's first visitor

I smile, not in denial
He was never mine

He catches my teeth glint,
I catch him offguard
He continues gazing
At once
At her

So I let my own eyes close,
My lips still curled up contentment

For someday
I will be she
And wonder
Who will be he?

3:19 pm - Tuesday, Jan. 23, 2007


lovesounds - futuresex


about me



