backyard crowing


slack n hustle

At the lab again, labbing it up.

I just considered what my life would be like if I went to a science lab everyday, instead of a media editing software lab.

I'm glad I decided to be a creator.

Not sure if I should have eaten those two brownies. Hmm.

That may have been one or two too many.

Anyway, this weekend has consisted of work, and DND, and even of getting high. R and I rolled in the sack tonight. Now the homework finally begins. I wonder if anyone else lives a life like mine?

College is such a strange time, even stranger when you're older. You get to pursue your hobbies full force, while slacking in jobs you don't care about. In the "real" world, it's often the exact opposite.

11:25 pm - Sunday, Apr. 10, 2016


lovesounds - futuresex


about me



