backyard crowing


I can do this! I can!

So much to do today.

Right now I'm doing laundry and drinking a glass of wine. Tomorrow I'm going to a career meeting with a local hip employer who might hire me maybe pretty please???


I can do this! I can!

Today I did my first 360 video shoot. It turned out mediocre. One was shots of the lake, R and I paddled on canoes.

The other was the top of a fancy hotel -- the highest rooftop pool in my city. Very classy.

Now I know where I'm going swimming this summer, because it's open to the public!

Tomorrow morning I need to somehow film three more places, and return the camera.

I am le overwhelmed.

How do people do this? College can suck sometimes.

God...only ten more days until the big stuff is done.

1:02 am - Monday, May. 02, 2016


lovesounds - futuresex


about me



