backyard crowing



Had sex with the Creg dude neighbor a couple of nights ago. He's okay! Not too bad. Not R, though.

Joined up with a sketch comedy writing class on Zoom (that's online via web video.) It's hosted by my old improv theater back in ATX. They're closing their doors due to Ms. Corona Virus.

I'll also be in an "iphone move making" course with them, starting next week. I am excited about it.

Found out today that my tv show is being cancelled. I'm more happy than sad, because it was such a toxic working environment.

I keep looking at longboards online. It's probably time to take a walk.

I need to celebrate never having to work in that workplace, ever again.

Had we been granted a season 3, they might have asked me back, and I might have had to say yes.

Now it's not a decision I have to make, because it's been done for me!

Cheers, dears!

5:48 pm - Thursday, May. 21, 2020


lovesounds - futuresex


about me



