backyard crowing


you know what - i need to move my body

As an enneagram 4, I'm "supposed" to take stock of the things I'm grateful for.

And I'll buy that.

So here goes:

- a relaxing morning working from home

- I'll probably get a free work lunch today...might as well enjoy it

- I did ecstatic dancing on sunday and it was beautiful

- I got to do some of the more fun paperwork yesterday

- the networking event encouraged me to shoot higher to my career

- I'm glad I'm not back to sleeping with Nick, even though it's on the table #discipline

- frank ocean is catchy #pinkandwhite

- I really enjoy my tie dye tote bag when I wear it

- I really enjoy my fake wedding ring when I wear it

I am sad, and that's okay to acknowledge. You're allowed to be sad.

I wish I could tell people I'm depressed. My coworkers especially. I think then, they might understand me better.

I'm probably still somewhat sad about the Nick breakup.

I want so much to cuddle. With anyone, really.

I need to move my body -- that's part of the problem.

Watched Encanto last night. And yes, the enneagram floods through it!

9:18 am - Tuesday, Apr. 12, 2022


lovesounds - futuresex


about me



