backyard crowing



nanobegino. no, no, no. you're not starting a novel when you haven't even passed this semester yet. shaaaaame on you. shaaaaaaaaaaame.

Sicily chopped the wood with a steady cadence as the sun shone hotly upon her tattered dress. There wasn't any wind that afternoon, and there wasn't any Walt, either.

Last night he had drunk ale after ale at the town's first bar, and then moved on to the second so no one would know how much alcohol he was downing. But even that didn't include what he drank before he left the house that night, and come morning, Elijah the bartender found him lifeless by his trashcans with bottles of rum in both hands.

Sicily wiped the sweat from her cheek and crumpled to the ground to sob. The news shouldn't have surprised her, she kept telling herself. He had hit her too many times for this to be anything but expected.

3:05 am - Tuesday, Dec. 18, 2007


NaNoWriMo Podcast

I'm still pretty floored that I was able to interview Chris Baty. Here's one of my p. casting projects! It's about NaNoWriMo.

I also interviewed two authors who participate in NaNo, and two college WriMos.

9:01 pm - Monday, Dec. 17, 2007


lovesounds - futuresex


about me



