backyard crowing


cause he is a material BOY

I've made another epiphany.

Iago is highly materialistic.

He talks a lot about stuff -- buying it, owning it, etc.

Frankly, so does my roommate.

Iago was annoyed that I didn't own a cell phone case. He was bossy about it, and trying to push me into buying one -- or even scamming a free one out of Amazon due to some fine print.

Later I had a conversation with my roommate, and she too was annoyed that I didn't have a case, and suggested pointedly that I buy one.

This kind of behavior is hilarious to me -- what do they care if I own a cell phone case? What's it to them?

I believe it's because it annoys them that I could go about life being happy WITHOUT a phone case. How dare I enjoy myself in such a caseless state?

And stupidity annoys them -- they consider not casing your phone to be an act of stupidity.

I do NOT think it's due to them being protective of me, or wanting to look out for the well being of my cell phone.

Because they aren't looking out for me. Iago does sometimes, but my roommate never does.

9:49 pm - Thursday, Dec. 06, 2018


lovesounds - futuresex


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