backyard crowing


NaNoWriMo Practice

i've just discovered nanowrimo. here's what i tried, as an experiment--it's 800 words:

December 1, 2000 3:30 pm

Hi. My name is amy ace. I am not better than you just because my last name is ace. That�s just the name I was born with. I am not an ace of spades, diamonds, clovers, and certainly not hearts. And I never ace anything. Get over it.

I�m writing in this journal because people (my family, that is, and they don�t really count as humans), think I�m supposed to be some sort of writer. Go figure. Maybe a journal will �inspire� me or some shit.

Like I said, I�m amy, and I live in the big apple, or new york, new york. I�m sixteen years old, and I�m being sent to boarding school in a month or so. We�ll see how that rolls over.

I have two brothers and two parents, and that�s more than enough to keep me annoyed. My parents say I should be a role model. I mean, I�m the eldest child and all, and the only girl, but I get myself into far more trouble than either of my brothers. I march to the beat of my own drummer, so I guess that�s good for them. It�ll be nice when i�m off at boarding school, they won�t have me to influence them for the worse. Plus they just piss me off, so you know, it�s not like I�ll miss them or anything. I get to corrupt the young minds of kids whose parents don�t even know me. ah, the havoc I shall wreak! Isn�t school great?

I guess people in new york are rough. That�s what everybody who�s not from here seems to think. I have only left the city a few times, usually for family reunions and such. I have no reason to leave the city, except to get away from my family. Maybe I�ll move to paris. I don�t know French, but who the hell cares? I�ll beg if I have to. It can�t be that hard.

My friend mitch told me yesterday he would have some pot for tonight. I can hardly wait. We�re meeting behind the seven eleven at midnight, I hope he�s got the good kind, the pure kind that I can never get enough of.

I started with weed a few weeks ago when mitch and me were in gym. He asked me if I had ever smoked the stuff, and when I said �no,� he about jumped out of his brown skin. So, being one to try anything once (or multiple times, whatever), I met up with him that afternoon for some �hits �n� hits,� as he called it. Hits of mary jane plus his hits of the 1970s CD on top of the abandoned warehouse down the street from punksville high, that is. Punksville is our term for parksville. Parksville. What a fucking joke. We are miles away from any park. We thought punks settled well. Oh, and central park is full of nutcases. Seriously, don�t go near that joint.

So anyway, we usually just climb the fire escape of this stupid warehouse where they used to make shoes and smoke and fool around sometimes. I don�t think mitch has gone very far, at least not farther than we�ve gone. We aren�t even dating per se, he�s just my friend. And you know, friends help each other out, so�there you have it. He�s a cool guy, very laid back and all, and I don�t think he�d ever freak out on me or anything. It�s not like he�d let me down, or expect much of me. he�s not the type to go snooping in your diary or looking through your medicine cabinet. He�s just�there. Mitch. Someone I can count on, but not in a responsible sense. Now him I�ll miss when the rents shove me off to boarding school. Where am I going to get my sweet mary jane now?

Ah, someone in the joint is bound to have it. After all, it is for girls and boys needing �remedy� and �order� in their lives, as the promotion video claims. Bunch of bullshit, if you ask me.

I�m in Coffee Conundrum right now. Geez, what an idiot name. Coffee. Conundrum. Somebody shoot me. the place is fairly busy, and at least they let me hang out and not pay for drinks. Free coffee for all aspiring writers, they say, so I�m in. people are flooding in right now, it�s the end of the school day and some people think this is a hip place to hang out, after school. Me, I�ve been here for an hour or so already. I�m ready to leave this joint. I skipped today. Just didn�t feel like it. Nobody deserves to have mrs. Merchef tell them that purple hair is considered distracting. WE LIVE IN NEW YORK, for pete�s sake. Somebody kick that lady. unnatural hair color is no longer unnatural here; it�s commonplace.

How can she not know this?

11:53 pm - Tuesday, Oct. 10, 2006


lovesounds - futuresex


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