backyard crowing


quarterlife/samantha who

Samantha: Cheers, to forgetting that son of a bitch!
Andrea: Yeah, to hell with him!
Dena: Yeah, he was a SON OF A BITCH!
Samantha: Don't say that about him. Why would you say that about him?
Dena: I think I heard it somewhere.
Samantha: Kevin was a kind and thoughtful man.
Dena: He was so sweet.
Samantha: He was an ass!
Dena: I'm confused about my role here.

-From the show Samantha Who?

"How do you know if what you want is what you should want? Or how to get it, or if getting it is even the point, as the Buddhists would say?"

"They say in dreams begin responsibilities, but I never understood that line, I always thought responsibilities were the death of dreams."

"It's like just the minute you want something, it's the kiss of death. Because then you have to realize how complicated the world is, and how hard it is to get that thing that you want. So many of my friends pretend they don't want anything just so that they don't have to face that."

-From MySpace's webtv show "Quarterlife"

- thursday, Apr. 24, 2008


lovesounds - futuresex


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